Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 8.x-1.x src/Plugin/QuickContent/QuickBlockContent.php \Drupal\quicktabs\Plugin\QuickContent\QuickBlockContent::accessBlock()

Checks if the current user can access a block.

1 call to QuickBlockContent::accessBlock()
QuickBlockContent::render dans plugins/
Renders the content.


plugins/, line 108


Class for tab content of type "block" - this is for rendering a block as tab content.


private function accessBlock($module, $delta) {
    // Get current user's rids.
    global $user;
    $rids = array_keys($user->roles);
    // Get authorized rids.
    $authorized_rids = db_select('block_role', 'br')->fields('br', array(
        ->condition('module', $module, '=')
        ->condition('delta', $delta, '=')
    // Return whether the user can access the block:
    // - Either all roles have access - no record in {block_role}
    // - Or only specific roles have access - in which case rids should match.
    return count($authorized_rids) == 0 || count(array_intersect($authorized_rids, $rids)) != 0;